Prompt #42 of the 2020 Reading Challenge

This week I’ve selected the following prompt from the 2020 Popsugar Reading Challenge: A book published in the 20th century. It’s a very generalized prompt and so, I just selected a book which I wanted to read. I’m reading the following book this week: The Lord of the Flies by William Golding. It’s a fable,Continue reading “Prompt #42 of the 2020 Reading Challenge”

Prompt #41 of the 2020 Reading Challenge

For this week, it’s another one of the murder mysteries by my all-time favorite author, Agatha Christie. If you think that you’ve had enough of my Agatha Christie reads ๐Ÿ˜‚, let me tell you that I’m just 10 books in and still have 5 more to go๐Ÿ˜ฒ, to complete the murder mystery bingo challenge ofContinue reading “Prompt #41 of the 2020 Reading Challenge”

Prompt #40 of the 2020 Reading Challenge

This week i.e., from 27th of September to 3rd of October, it’s the Banned Books Week and so, I’ve taken the following prompt from the 2020 Popsugar Reading Challenge: Read a banned book during Banned Books Week. There are A LOT of books which have been banned over time and so, selecting a particular bookContinue reading “Prompt #40 of the 2020 Reading Challenge”

Prompt #39 of the 2020 Reading Challenge

For this week, I’ve selected the following prompt from the advanced section of the 2020 Popsugar Reading Challenge: A book set in the 1920s. As soon as I searched Goodreads for the list of books that fit this prompt, I found the book. Number one on the list of books set in the 1920s isContinue reading “Prompt #39 of the 2020 Reading Challenge”

Prompt #38 of the 2020 Reading Challenge

This week, it’s another murder mystery to continue my Murder Mystery Bingo Challenge 2020. Although the blog which hosted the challenge has stopped taking entries and concluded the challenge on 31st August, I’ve decided to continue on till the end of the year. This week, I’m reading another one of my favorite author’s book :Continue reading “Prompt #38 of the 2020 Reading Challenge”

Prompt #37 of the 2020 Reading Challenge

For this week, I’ve selected the following prompt from the 2020 Popsugar Reading Challenge: A book with an upside down image on the cover. Even after browsing through goodreads list, I couldn’t find a particular book which interested me to read for this prompt. Just right at time, I got a book in TBB’s anniversaryContinue reading “Prompt #37 of the 2020 Reading Challenge”

The Murder Mystery Bingo Challenge

So, along with the selected prompts from the 2020 Popsugar Reading Challenge, I am also doing this fun murder mystery bingo challenge by Rick Mills. Go check it out ! The rules are quite simple. You can read any book by any author as long as it’s a murder mystery. Then cross off items onContinue reading “The Murder Mystery Bingo Challenge”

Prompt #36 of the 2020 Reading Challenge

This week’s prompt selected from the 2020 Popsugar Reading Challenge is the following: Your Favourite Prompt from a past Popsugar Reading Challenge. So, this prompt gives way to a lot of options. It was hard trying to select a particular favorite, but in the end I decided to go with the following prompt taken fromContinue reading “Prompt #36 of the 2020 Reading Challenge”

Prompt #35 of the 2020 Reading Challenge

This week I’m reading another one of Agatha Christie’s books for my 2020 Murder Mystery Bingo Challenge. So, I’m not exactly following any type of list to complete reading all of the books of Agatha Christie. Just choosing each one at random. This week’s book is the following : Death in the Clouds by AgathaContinue reading “Prompt #35 of the 2020 Reading Challenge”

Prompt #34 of the 2020 Reading Challenge

For this week, I’ve selected the following prompt from the 2020 Popsugar Reading Challenge : A book with a main character in their 20s. So, I browsed the list for book recommendations for this particular prompt on Goodreads (the link is given here, if you would like some help too) and thus, found my nextContinue reading “Prompt #34 of the 2020 Reading Challenge”

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